Detailed process model description for the Inorganic demo

Model specification


Intended audience

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The scope of the present document is to describe the capabilities of the Inorganic demo, for the process modeling of a purification process for inorganic products.

The process is exemplificative of a class of water-phase purification processes based on multistage counter-current washings, found in the mining and electronic waste processing industries.

This demo shows off the sub-flowsheeting features of LIBPF®, which make it easy to navigate this moderately complex process (100+ streams and 70 units).


Inorganic kernel

In LIBPF® one kernel can support many process models, each as a different flowsheet type.

All the process models supported by a kernel share the same list of components and can use all LIBPF® embedded types plus the custom types registered by the kernel itself.

Type list

The Inorganic kernel registers the following models, based on the built-in LIBPF® FlowSheet type:

Type Description options Note
Inorganic Purification process based on acid attacks and multistage, counter-current washings default model type
Attacco Attack washing number of stages
Stadio Single attack stage

Additionally the following reaction types are defined, starting from the built-in ReactionYield type:

Type Description
ReactionSalt2 Attack of Metal2 with Chemical1
ReactionInert Inert reaction
ReactionChemical4 Inert attack with Chemical1
ReactionMetal1Decomposition Decomposition of the Metal1 water aggregate
ReactionMetal1 Reacion of Metal1 with water to produce the aggregate
ReactionH2O2 Elimination of hydrogen peroxide
ReactionChemical3 Combination of Chemical3 with water

Component list

The fluids to be processed are broken down in their constituents and represented as a mixture of basic components.

The components are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types.

More precisely the Inorganic kernel defines the following component list (click on the component type to jump to the reference documentation for the component):

Type Name Description
purecomps::water water standard model for water
purecomps::H2 hydrogen standard model for hydrogen
Chemical1 first attack chemical custom component
Chemical2 second attack chemical custom component
Chemical3 third attack chemical custom component
Chemical4 fourth attack chemical custom component
Inert inert component custom component
Metal1 first metal custom component
Metal2 second metal custom component
Salt1 first salt custom component
Salt2 second salt custom component

Process descriptions and schemes


The objective of the purification process is to reduce impurities of “Metal2” from “Metal1” using acid attacks with four different chemicals and multistage, counter-current washings.

This is the full process flowsheet and makes use of the Attacco and Stadio sub-flowsheets.

The following process flow diagram should clarify the process.

Process Flow Diagram

There are three attack sections:

  1. in the first section, the inlet solid (S01) composed predominantly of Metal1 with Metal2 and Inert impurities is treated with S10, a mixture of the Chemical1 and Chemical2 (non-reacting adjuvant) and then washed in a single stage with a recovery stream S20 of diluted filtrate (low acidity water) from counter-current washings from third attack; the main product from the first section is the washed solid outlet S02, whereas the concentrated attack filtrate S30 and the diluted washing filtrate S31 are separately discharged

  2. in the second section, the washed solid outlet S02 from the first section is treated with a mixture (S11) of the Chemical4 and Chemical2 (non-reacting adjuvant) and then washed in a single stage with osmotic water S21; the main product is the washed solid outlet S03, whereas the concentrated attack filtrate S32 and the diluted washing filtrate S33 are separately discharged

  3. in the third section, the washed solid outlet S03 from the second section is treated with pure Chemical1 (S12) and then washed in three counter-current stages with osmotic water S22; the main product is the washed solid outlet S04, practically free from Metal2; only the concentrated attack filtrate S34 is discharged, as the diluted washing(s) filtrate S20 is employed as fresh wash water in the first section.

The waste waters are collected separately as high-acidity waters S40 (from the concentrated filtrates S30, S32 and S34) and low-acidity waters (from the washings S31 and S33).

Stream list

The streams are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the stream.

Type Name Description From To options
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S01 Metal1 and Inert source out A1 in1
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S02 Solid from first attack A1 out1 A2 in1
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S03 Solid from second attack A2 out1 A3 in1
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S04 Solid from third attack A3 out1 sink in
StreamSimpleLiquid S10 Reactants to first attack source out A1 in2
StreamSimpleLiquid S11 Reactants to second attack source out A2 in2
StreamSimpleLiquid S12 Reactants to third attack source out A3 in2
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S20 Sour waters from counter-current washings from third attack A3 out3 A1 in3
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S21 Osmotic water to second attack washing source out A2 in3
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S22 Osmotic water to third attack washing source out A3 in3
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S30 Filtrate from first attack A1 out2 MIX1 in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S31 Sour water from first attack washing A1 out3 MIX2 in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S32 Filtrate from second attack A2 out2 MIX1 in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S33 Sour water from second attack washing A2 out3 MIX2 in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S34 Filtrate from third attack A3 out2 MIX1 in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S40 High acidity waters MIX1 out sink in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S41 Low acidity waters MIX2 out sink in

Unit list

The unit operations are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types and the Attacco type defined by the kernel.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the unit operation.

Type Name Description options
Attacco A1 First attack 3 reactions: ReactionMetal1Decomposition, ReactionSalt2 and ReactionInert
Attacco A2 Second attack 2 reactions: ReactionMetal1, ReactionChemical4
Attacco A3 Third attack one reaction: ReactionInert
Mixer MIX1 Low acidity water mixer
Mixer MIX2 High acidity water mixer

Model options

This model has no options.


The Attacco sub-flowsheet represents an attack section and its integrated multi-stage washings, and is used in the Inorganic full flowsheet.

The following process flow diagrams should clarify the processes:

Process Flow Diagram

The Attacco sub-flowsheet represents an attack section and its integrated (optionally) multi-stage counter-current washing(s), and is used in the Inorganic full flowsheet.

The inlet solid (S01) and the chemicals (S02) are fed to the attack stage A.

The attack solid outlet S04 proceeds to the (optionally) multi-stage counter-current washing(s) L, where the chemicals residues are removed with the help of inlet water S03.

The main product is the washed solid outlet S05.

The concentrated attack filtrate S06 and the diluted washing(s) filtrate S07 are separately discharged.

Stream list

The streams are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the stream.

Type Name Description From To options
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S01 Solido in ingresso source out A in1
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S02 Reagente in ingresso source out A in2
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S03 Lavaggio in ingresso source out L in2
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S04 Uscita Attacco A out1 L in1
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S05 Solido in uscita L out1 sink in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S06 Filtrato concentrato A out2 sink in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S07 Filtrato diluito L out2 sink in

Unit list

The unit operations are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types and the Stadio type defined by the kernel.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the unit operation.

Type Name Description options
Stadio A Acid attack stage stream_type = StreamSimpleLiquidSolid
MultiStage L Washing number of stages, 2 streams, option[1] = bottomtop, stream_type = StreamSimpleLiquidSolid, typeT (type of the model) = Stadio, typeU (type of top-bottom streams) = StreamSimpleLiquidSolid, typeV (type of bottom-top streams) = StreamSimpleLiquidSolid

Model options

This model is parameterized by the number of wash stages; only one-stage and three-stage processed are used


The Stadio sub-flowsheet represents a single attack or washing stage, and is used in the Attacco sub-flowsheet.

The following process flow diagram should clarify the process.

Process Flow Diagram

The inlet solid (S01) and the chemicals or the water (S02) are mixed in M and enter as S03 the resuspension reactor R where the (optional) reactions take place.

The reactor outlet S04 is filtered in F and separated in solid outlet S05 and filtrate S06.

Stream list

The streams are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the stream.

Type Name Description From To options
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S01 Inlet solid source out M in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S02 Inlet reactant source out M in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S03 Reactor inlet M out R in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S04 Reactor outlet R out F in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S05 Solid outlet F out2 sink in
StreamSimpleLiquidSolid S06 Filtrate F out1 sink in

Unit list

The unit operations are defined using built-in LIBPF® basic types.

Click on the type to jump to the reference documentation for the unit operation.

Type Name Description options
Mixer M Mixer
FlashDrum R Resuspension reactor
Separator F Filter streams to separate = 2

Model options

This model is parameterized by the stream type.


Inorganic demo

LIBPF® technology