LIBPF® RESTful Model User API manual
Intended audience
System integrators and app developers who wish to develop solutions based on the modeling of industrial continuous processes with the LIBPF® enabling technology, in particular solutions where a service or a web app or a mobile app interacts with the process models exposed as a web service.
This document is the interface manual for the HTTP RESTful incarnation of the LIBPF® Model User API, a simple, high-level API to manage and use process models who have been previously prepared and deployed by model developers.
The idea of the RESTful Model User API is to make a subset of the Model User functionalities accessible as a synchronous RESTful web service, complying with the REST (REpresentational State Transfer) architectural constraints.
having access to a LIBPF® model running as a service in the public/private cloud configured for the LIBPF® RESTful Model User API
knowledge of the RESTful API design principles and access to one of the RESTful client technologies
acquaintance with the field of industrial continuous processes
the roles involved with the life cycle of solutions developed using the LIBPF® enabling technology, see LIBPF® Technology Introduction
a general knowledge of the concepts of the LIBPF® high level Model User API, see LIBPF® Model User API manual
The RESTful Model User API
Each service running the Model User RESTful API essentially matches the capabilities of a standalone kernel, i.e. knows how to instantiate and manipulate a set of types, which share the same list of components.
Each service will be made available at the service base URL within a hierarchical URL structure, for example:
The services may evolve in time (they are versioned) and a specific service + service version is identified by a unique service uuid (Universally unique identifier). But service uuids are not exposed in the URL, because we do not want all URLs contained in a service to become invalid when a service is upgraded. The service always returns a service_uuid field in each response, and it is the client responsibility to check that the returned value of the service_uuid field matches the service uuid of the service the client thinks it is connecting to.
The services URL cannot be “changed” using the HTTP POST and DELETE verbs, but only accessed with the read-only HTTP GET verb to query the service information, supported types and enumerators and theme-related files (icon, background and assets), as detailed in the Service management chapter below.
Inside a service there is the cases collection located at the cases URL, for example:
Each case is identified by a unique case_uuid which is a representation of an instance of the LIBPF® Model User API Handle object.
The case_uuid is exposed in the URL to create a persistent case URL:
The case URL can be made persistent even after a service upgrade, provided the necessary case migration procedure is performed on the service back-end.
The cases URL can be “changed” using the POST and DELETE HTTP verbs, to create new cases, apply changes to a case and calculate it, delete a case, clone a case or purge all cases. Accessing a specific case URL with the read-only HTTP GET verb allows to query the case information, get the case as sqlite database, SQL dump of the sqlite database, text or HTML, the case graphical assets, and the value of a specific quantity, as detailed in the Case management chapter below.
Status codes and error handling
The RESTful Model User API uses HTTP status codes as the primary mechanism to report success or error.
All endpoints in case of success return 200 as HTTP status code, except for POST requests that return 201.
The HTTP status codes in case of errors are:
4xx (client errors): due to invalid or inconsistent data supplied and should be taken care of at the client side
5xx (server errors): application errors that should be filed as bugs.
Furthermore when applicable in case of error the response body contains a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "error": error, "message": message }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
error: an integer different from zero
message: a descriptive text of the error
The Model User RESTful API is implemented using bottle, a simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python.
The entire web service implementation is a ~ 600 SLOC Python piece of code, available with an Open Source GPL3 license.
If you wish to set up your own services you should:
develop the models of the industrial continuous processes of interest using the C++ LIBPF® CORE SDK (this is the task of model developers)
wrap your models with a Python Model User API, using SWIG and the LIBPF® PYTHON SDK - see the LIBPF® Python Model User API manual
set up a service in the public or private cloud, using the GPLv3-licensed web service
if your new service is meant to be public, publish it with the service list discovery URL (see “API Endpoints - Service discovery” below)
In the following the API is presented from the root of the service address space as in:
GET /cases/b14d48e0-1285-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66/quantities/S01.T
In the real world the complete version of these same URLs will probably look like this for a public server (which is the form in which in the following test URLs are provided):
for a private server.
API Endpoints
Service discovery
Service discovery for publicly available services is performed by contacting with the HTTP GET verb the service list URL, hard-coded as:
Parameters: none
It is guaranteed to return a JSON document similar to:
{ "services" : [{ "service_uuid" : "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "url" : "", "status" : "alive" }, { "service_uuid" : "e912989f-9b8f-4d4a-9bd6-f0c351fd770a", "url" : "", "status" : "dead", "message": "scheduled maintenance, the service will resume at 20:00 CET 2015/0/01" }, { "service_uuid" : "1187ffe2-497c-4a5e-b03a-b5f479499c9d", "url" : "", "status" : "deactivated" }, { "service_uuid" : "f8d83420-08e1-11e4-9191-0800200c9a66", "url" : "", "status" : "migrated", "new_service_uuid" : "c955d830-2e82-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66" }] }
The JSON Schema for the returned JSON is the discovery_schema.json.
For each of these services detailed discovery is performed by contacting the service url (see “Service management / query service info” below).
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Service management
Query service info
Parameters: none
Sample data:
{ "description": "Process modeling of continuous pasteurization processes", "color": "#228B22", "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "uptime": 16000757.0, "name": "Pasteurize", "license": "(C) Copyright 2014-2015 Paolo Greppi simevo s.r.l.", "url": "", "info_url": "", "stamp": 1456394094.0, "version": "00.03.01 [2015/04/10 07:00:00]", "calls": 256, "api_version": "0.1" }
Individual fields notes:
service_uuid: service uuid (Universally unique identifier) that identifies a specific service + service version
url: the service base URL (should be the same as the requested URL)
info_url: the service information URL, shows the service license & technical informations in human-readable form
name: a name for the service
description: a description for the service
version: the version for the service
color: the service theme color, based on the dominant hue of the service theme background - see “get service theme background” below
license: the copyright and license for the service
api_version: RESTful Model User API version descriptor
stamp: timestamp in UNIX epoch format when the response was generated
uptime: time the service is operating, in seconds
calls: number of API calls received by the service
The JSON Schema for the returned JSON is kernel_schema.json.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Query supported types
GET /types
Parameters: none
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "types": [ { "name": "chiller", "description": "packaged chiller unit", "category": "flowsheet", "instantiable": true, "integerOptions": [ { "name": "stages", "value": 2, "min": 1, "max": 10 } ], "stringOptions": [ { "name": "type", "value": "scroll", "enumerator": "compressorType" } ] } ] }
where the “service_uuid” field echoes the current service uuid and the “types” field contains a UTF-8 encoded, JSON-serialized vector of [TypeDescriptor objects] .
The JSON Schema for the returned JSON is types_schema.json.
The types[i]/name can be passed to the POST /cases API in the type field of the casedescriptor parameter, but only if types[i]/instantiable is true.
The types[i]/integerOptions[j]/name can be passed as key of a integerOptions field of the casedescriptor, where the corresponding value is in the [types[i]/integerOptions[j]/min .. types[i]/integerOptions[j]/max_] range (inclusive). The types[i]/stringOptions[j]/name can be passed as key of a stringOptions field of the casedescriptor, where the corresponding value is one of the values of the corresponding types[i]/stringOptions[j]/enumerator.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Query supported enumerators
GET /enumerators
Parameters: none
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "enumerators": [ { "name": "processType", "description": "Process type - sets predefined temperature and holding time for the process", "options": [ { "name": "HTST25", "description": "High Temperature Short Time - highT = 353.15 K holdTime = 25.0 s" }, { "name": "HTST15", "description": "High Temperature Short Time - highT = 356.15 K holdTime = 15.0 s" }, { "name": "HHST3", "description": "Higher Heat Shorter Time - highT = 363.15 K holdTime = 3.0 s" }, { "name": "HHST1", "description": "Higher Heat Shorter Time - highT = 363.15 K holdTime = 1.0 s" }, { "name": "user", "description": "user specified - initial values highT = 363.15 K holdTime=1.0 s, user adjustable", "default": true } ] } ] }
where the “service_uuid” field echoes the current service uuid and the “enumerators” field contains a UTF-8 encoded, JSON-serialized vector of SmartEnumerator-derived types.
The JSON Schema for the returned JSON is enumerators_schema.json.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get service icon
GET /icon
Parameters: none
Returns a vector graphic in SVG format with an icon that clients can use to represent graphically the service.
The style guide for the service icon is:
use SVG Tiny 1.1 format
the icon should be square
the icon should have a transparent background
the icon should be drawn using only the white color
Sample service icon:
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get service theme background
GET /background/<maxsize>
- maxsize: the maximum dimension of the image as an integer number
Returns a raster graphic in JPG format with a background that clients can use to theme graphically the service.
The service will resize the image so that the maximum size (horizontal or vertical) is maxsize.
The style guide for the service theme background is:
since it may be used on high-dpi devices with up to 4K resolutions, the background should be high-res
it should be a little bit desaturated and fuzzy to avoid distracting the user, preferably with a repetitive pattern
it should have a dominant hue, which is then used to set the service theme color
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get service graphical assets
GET /assets
Parameters: none
Returns the service graphical assets in the form of a list of URLs to graphical assets (typically SVG files).
Clients must individually access those URLs to download the assets.
Sample output:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "assets": [ "", "" ] }
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET curl -k -i -X GET curl -k -i -X GET
Case management
Create a new case
POST /cases
Parameters: the request body should contain a UTF-8 encoded, JSON-serialized CaseDescriptor object; if the request body is empty, the default will result in a case of type defaultType to be created with empty tag and description.
See the CaseDescriptor class reference.
The JSON Schema for the request body JSON is caseDescriptor.json.
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "e688e78c-c36f-48be-ab96-35fadfdc251a", "url": "" "case_uuid": "3b47dca0-1bda-4bea-8334-cc42393f1940", "type": "aaaaaaaaaa", "tag": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "description": "cccccccccccccccccccccc", "created_at": 1406301601, "modified_at": 1406301601 }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
type / tag / description: echo those supplied with the request body should or are at the default values if the request body is empty
url: URL that can be used to access the new case in subsequent calls
case_uuid: the case uuid (i.e. a representation of the LIBPF® Model User API Handle) which is also part of the URL
created_at / modified_at: timestamps in UNIX epoch format when the response was generated
Test with:
curl -k -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type": "aaa", "tag": "bbbbbbb"}'
Query case info
GET /cases/<case_uuid>
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "e688e78c-c36f-48be-ab96-35fadfdc251a", "url": "" "case_uuid": "3b47dca0-1bda-4bea-8334-cc42393f1940", "type": "aaaaaaaaaa", "tag": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "description": "cccccccccccccccccccccc", "created_at": 1406301601, "modified_at": 1406301601 }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
type / tag / description / url / case_uuid / created_at: are the same as when the case was first created
modified_at: timestamps in UNIX epoch format when the case was last modified
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Apply changes to a case and calculate it
Calculate the case identified by the specified case_uuid
POST /cases/<case_uuid>
case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
additionally, the request body may contain a UTF-8 encoded, JSON-serialized HomotopyInput object; if the request body is empty, no quantities are changed before the calculation is performed, see the HomotopyInput class reference.
Not all fields of the HomotopyInput object must be filled in, basically what is required is the controlled array be non-empty and each element of the controlled array be a dictionary with at least two keys, value and end.
The JSON Schema for the request body JSON is change.json.
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "e688e78c-c36f-48be-ab96-35fadfdc251a", "url": "" "case_uuid": "3b47dca0-1bda-4bea-8334-cc42393f1940", "type": "aaaaaaaaaa", "tag": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "description": "cccccccccccccccccccccc", "created_at": 1406301601, "modified_at": 1406301601 }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
type / tag / description / url / case_uuid / created_at: are the same as when the case was first created
modified_at: timestamp in UNIX epoch format when the response was generated
Test with:
curl -k -i -X POST curl -k -i -X POST -d '{ "controlled": [{ "variable": "feed", "end": 3000.0 }, { "variable": "coolT", "end": 300.0 } ] }'
Delete a case
Deletes the case identified by the specified case_uuid
DELETE /cases/<case_uuid>
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef" }
where the “service_uuid” field echoes the current service uuid.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X DELETE
Get case as sqlite database
Retrieves the case identified by the specified case_uuid as a sqlite database file.
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/db
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns the sqlite database.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get case as SQL dump of the sqlite database
Retrieves the case identified by the specified case_uuid as the SQL dump of the sqlite database.
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/sql
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns the SQL dump of the sqlite database as a text file, which can be fed to sqlite3 CLI to re-create the database:
cat dump.sqlite | sqlite3 persistency.db
Sample output:
BEGIN TRANSACTION ... CREATE TABLE N ( ID integer PRIMARY KEY, TAG character (50), DESCRIPTION character (255), TYPE character (50), FULLTAG character (255), UUID character (36), CREATED_AT datetime, UPDATED_AT datetime, LOCKED_BY character (50), LOCKED_UNTIL datetime, PARENT integer REFERENCES N (ID), ROOT integer REFERENCES N (ID), RANGE integer ); INSERT INTO "N" VALUES(0,'','','C1000','','704653b0-b668-4e1d-98db-8275c5e5909e',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,129); INSERT INTO "N" VALUES(1,'source','Source of all feed streams to the graph','Terminator',':source','7b0d2fb1-a777-45a0-b909-d30ee825e15a',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,1); INSERT INTO "N" VALUES(2,'sink','Destination for all streams exiting the graph','Terminator',':sink','21d6e120-7686-4d31-8eef-8ca3f4b31564',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,1); INSERT INTO "N" VALUES(3,'A','First unit','MicroTurbine',':A','3e945c37-4416-4897-a9e0-78bbd9924bc3',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,0,0,26); ... CREATE TABLE Q ( ID integer PRIMARY KEY, NID integer REFERENCES N (ID), TAG character (50), DESCRIPTION character (255), VALUE double precision, UNIT character (50), INPUT boolean, OUTPUT boolean ); INSERT INTO "Q" VALUES(1,0,'LHV_CH4','methane Lower Heating Value',802618000.0,'kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2',0,0); INSERT INTO "Q" VALUES(2,0,'LHV_CO','carbon monoxide Lower Heating Value',282980000.0,'kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2',0,0); INSERT INTO "Q" VALUES(3,0,'LHV_H2','hydrogen Lower Heating Value',241814000.0,'kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2',0,0); INSERT INTO "Q" VALUES(4,0,'cduty','Cumulative enthalpy flow inlet minus outlet',1.0,'m^2 kg s^-3',0,1); INSERT INTO "Q" VALUES(5,0,'cmdot','Cumulative mass flow inlet minus outlet',1.0,'kg s^-1',0,1); ... COMMIT;
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get case as text
Retrieves the case identified by the specified case_uuid as a text file.
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/txt
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns the text file dump.
Sample output:
****** type = C1000 TAG = << DESCRIPTION *** Begin String attributes constraints = Used to persist connectivity constraints *** Begin StringVector attributes errors = [] Errors from the last computation warnings = [convergence on deltax; dubious convergence, source stream S01 is not connected to any external inlet stream nor is it a cut stream @ A, Zero flow of key component CO @ A:RX:reactions[1], Zero flow of key component H2 @ A:RX:reactions[2], source stream S01 is not connected to any external inlet stream nor is it a cut stream @ B, Zero flow of key component CO @ B:RX:reactions[1], Zero flow of key component H2 @ B:RX:reactions[2], source stream S01 is not connected to any external inlet stream nor is it a cut stream @ C, Zero flow of key component CO @ C:RX:reactions[1], Zero flow of key component H2 @ C:RX:reactions[2], source stream S01 is not connected to any external inlet stream nor is it a cut stream @ D, Zero flow of key component CO @ D:RX:reactions[1], Zero flow of key component H2 @ D:RX:reactions[2], ] Warnings from the last computation *** Begin Quantity attributes LHV_CH4 = 802618000 kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2 methane Lower Heating Value LHV_CO = 282980000 kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2 carbon monoxide Lower Heating Value LHV_H2 = 241814000 kmol^-1 m^2 kg s^-2 hydrogen Lower Heating Value cduty = 1 m^2 kg s^-3 Cumulative enthalpy flow inlet minus outlet cmdot = 1 kg s^-1 Cumulative mass flow inlet minus outlet ... *** End source Source of all feed streams to the graph
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get case as HTML
Retrieves the case identified by the specified case_uuid in HTML format.
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/html
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns a summary for the case in HTML format.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Get case graphical assets
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/assets
- case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
Returns the case graphical assets in the form of a list of URLs to graphical assets (typically SVG files).
Clients must individually access those URLs to download the assets.
Sample output:
{ "service_uuid": "e688e78c-c36f-48be-ab96-35fadfdc251a", "assets": [ "", "", "", ... "" ] }
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET curl -k -i -X GET curl -k -i -X GET
Get a specific quantity
Retrieve the quantity with specified path in the case identified by the specified case_uuid
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/quantities/<path>
case_uuid: one case uuid returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
path: the full path to the quantity
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid" : "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef", "case_uuid": "3b47dca0-1bda-4bea-8334-cc42393f1940", "path": "HOLD.V", "value": 0.00103581319956551 }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
case_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
path: echoes the path supplied with the request body
value: is the value of the quantity, in SI units
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Clone a case
Clones the case identified by the supplied case_uuid
GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone
- case_uuid: the original case uuid, returned by the POST /cases or GET /cases/<case_uuid>/clone endpoints
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "e688e78c-c36f-48be-ab96-35fadfdc251a", "url": "" "case_uuid": "3b47dca0-1bda-4bea-8334-cc42393f1940", "type": "aaaaaaaaaa", "tag": "bbbbbbbbbbbbbb", "description": "cccccccccccccccccccccc", "created_at": 1406301601, "modified_at": 1406301601 }
service_uuid: echoes the current service uuid
type / tag / description : are the same as when the original case was first created
url: URL that can be used to access the new case in subsequent calls
case_uuid: a new case uuid (i.e. a representation of the LIBPF® Model User API Handle) which is also part of the URL
created_at / modified_at: timestamps in UNIX epoch format when the response was generated
Test with:
curl -k -i -X GET
Purge all cases
Deletes all existing case instances
DELETE /cases
Parameters: none
In case of success returns a JSON document similar to:
{ "service_uuid": "62e3a255-c1a0-4dea-a650-05b9a4a33aef" }
where the “service_uuid” field echoes the current service uuid.
Test with:
curl -k -i -X DELETE