LIBPF® Technology Introduction


Intended audience

This document addresses users, developers, system integrators and architects of solutions based on the LIBPF® technology.


This document provides a high-level introduction to the LIBPF® technology.




LIBPF® (LIBrary for Process Flowsheeting) is a flexible technology to model continuous industrial processes at steady state.

Steady-state models of continuous industrial processes can be used for example to:

With LIBPF® you can create smart forecasting solutions that incorporate these models and put them at work to add value to your business:

Thanks to a thorough analysis and rethink of methods and technologies for process simulation started around 2005, LIBPF® is innovative, employs modern technologies and concepts, and reuses of existing libraries and 3rd party tools whenever possible:


A team comprising several technical roles is required to prototype, develop and deploy solutions based on the LIBPF® technology:


LIBPF® can be accessed at different levels thanks to the several available interfaces.


Thanks to the several interfaces, solutions based on the LIBPF® technology can be arranged according to various architectures, for example:

  1. standalone desktop application standalone desktop application

  2. public / private cloud desktop application cloud desktop application

  3. public / private cloud mobile app cloud mobile app

  4. public / private rich web app cloud web app

  5. standalone online application (online = communicates with the control system) standalone online application

  6. standalone embedded application (embedded = integrated with the control system) standalone embedded application

  7. public / private cloud embedded application (M2M i.e. machine-to-machine) cloud embedded application