UIPF SDK manual
WIP Notes
The main
The “main” is launched from file uipf.cc. @line 109, and follow these steps:
Q_INIT_RESOURCES(uipf) load uipf.qrc resource file.
testUniqueness of the application on OS and Win systems
instantiate the app, appTranslator, qtTranslator objects following qt practice
create the LIBPF® required strings:
- locale: for language settings
- homePath: ?
- home: ?
Which are actually set by instantiating a Settings object (Settings.h, Settings.cc)
LIBPF® files are copied inside the application directory
check argv[1] for locale setting
load appTranslator and install it as following qt practice
create and show the WindowMain as per qt practice: here the application is created with all features, actions, slots, dialogs, widgets…
int rc = app.exec() actually run the application (hic sunt leones!)
before application closure release “perrsistency” database resources
return rc exit the application with exit code rc
Main window
The WindowMain class actually manage the application. When created from the main (uipf.cc) it launch the constructor with he following steps (NOTE: order things get done is important):
populate actions. Every action has at least:
newAction_ = new QAction(tr("&New"), this);
set properties
newAction_->setStatusTip(tr("Create a new case")); newAction_->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/document-new.png"));
create a signal-slot connection:
connect(newAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(new_()));
set the initial enable/disable status of actions (@line 306-337)
populate menus with at least:
menuCase_ = menuBar()->addMenu(tr("&Case"));
insert desired actions
menuCase_->addAction(newAction_); menuCase_->addAction(openAction_); menuCase_->addAction(saveAction_);
insert sub menus with related desired actions
subMenuUnits_ = menuSettings_->addMenu(QIcon(":/images/applications-accessories.png"), tr("&Units")); subMenuUnits_->setToolTip(tr("Change units of measurements")); subMenuUnits_->addAction(siUnitAction_); subMenuUnits_->addAction(enUnitAction_);
populate the toolbars
create it:
toolbarMain_ = addToolBar(tr("Main toolbar"));
insert desired actions
toolbarMain_->addAction(newAction_); toolbarMain_->addAction(openAction_); toolbarMain_->addSeparator(); toolbarMain_->addAction(calculateAction_); toolbarMain_->addAction(stopAction_);
created horizontal and vertical layouts
vsplitter_ = new QSplitter(Qt::Vertical); hsplitter_ = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal);
created and set up the message panel:
messages_ = new QTextEdit(); messages_->setReadOnly(true); messages_->addAction(clearmsgAction_); messages_->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::DefaultContextMenu); QFont mono("Monotype"); mono.setStyleHint(QFont::TypeWriter); messages_->setCurrentFont(mono); messages_->setFontPointSize(9);
created table for the detail view panel (see WidgetTableDouble and WidgetTableIntegers classes) Here there is the first query calls to the persistency.
tablewInput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.input = \'1\'", undoStack_); intTablewInput_ = new WidgetTableIntegers(" AND ITBL.tag like '%enableAssignment%'", undoStack_); tablewOutput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.output = \'1\'", undoStack_); tablewInput_->setRw(true); intTablewInput_->setRw(true); tablewOutput_->setRw(false); tablewMessages_ = new WidgetTableMessages;
created the tree view panel
treew_ = new WidgetTree;
connect the tree view exploration with the tables
connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), tablewInput_, SLOT(go(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), intTablewInput_, SLOT(go(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), tablewOutput_, SLOT(go(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), tablewMessages_, SLOT(go(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), this, SLOT(showMessage(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(gone(int)), this, SLOT(setUnit_(int))); connect(treew_, SIGNAL(showPfd(int)), this, SLOT(showPfd(int)));
created the svg area for the detailed view panel tab and connected its behavior
svgw_ = new ScrollAreaSvg(); connect(svgw_, SIGNAL(select(int)), treew_, SLOT(forceGo(int)));
connect tables, treew and exploring actions
connect(tablewInput_, SIGNAL(forceGo(int)), this, SLOT(forceGoTable(int))); connect(intTablewInput_, SIGNAL(forceGo(int)), this, SLOT(forceGoIntTable(int))); connect(expandAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), treew_, SLOT(expandAll())); connect(expandAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage())); connect(collapseAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), treew_, SLOT(collapseAll())); connect(collapseAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage())); connect(rootAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), treew_, SLOT(go())); connect(rootAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage())); connect(upAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), treew_, SLOT(goUp())); connect(upAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage())); connect(toggleTC_, SIGNAL(triggered()), tablewInput_, SLOT(toggleChild())); connect(toggleTC_, SIGNAL(triggered()), intTablewInput_, SLOT(toggleChild())); connect(toggleTC_, SIGNAL(triggered()), tablewOutput_, SLOT(toggleChild())); connect(toggleTC_, SIGNAL(triggered()), treew_, SLOT(refresh())); connect(toggleTC_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(clearStatusMessage()));
connect the kernel selection action with the kernel actual selection function
connect(selectKernelAction_, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(selectkernel()));
create the tab for the detail panel and insert tables and svg:
tabs_ = new QTabWidget(); tabs_->addTab(tablewInput_, tr("Inputs")); tabs_->addTab(intTablewInput_, tr("Config")); tabs_->addTab(tablewOutput_, tr("Outputs")); tabs_->addTab(tablewMessages_, tr("Messages")); tabs_->addTab(svgw_, "PFD"); tabs_->setTabEnabled(4, false);
insert the tree view and detail panels in the horizontal layout
hsplitter_->addWidget(treew_); hsplitter_->addWidget(tabs_);
insert the horizontal layout and the message panel in the vertical layout
vsplitter_->addWidget(hsplitter_); vsplitter_->addWidget(messages_);
show/hide edit-submenus according to what is active/selected
connect(menuEdit_, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(editShowMenuClicked())); connect(menuEdit_, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), this, SLOT(editHideMenuClicked()));
connect tables and contextmenu (here you can set connection to different context menu according to what is i.e. right-clicked)
insert the vertical layout in the center of the window:
load the types.txt file and create the hierarchy object
h_ = new Hierarchy(typesFile().toStdString());
create the Open and New dialogs (Why here and not inside the slot called by newAction and openAction?)
od_ = new DialogOpen(); connect(od_, SIGNAL(openExisting(const QString &, int)), this, SLOT(openExisting(const QString &, int))); nd_ = new DialogNew(); buildNewDialog(); connect(nd_, SIGNAL(open(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)), this, SLOT(openNew(const QString &, const QString &, const QString &)));
create process and connect it to listen to kernel standard output and print it to the message panel
process_ = new QProcess(this); connect(process_, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(updateLog())); connect(process_, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(updateLogErr())); connect(process_, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); connect(process_, SIGNAL(started()), this, SLOT(started())); connect(process_, SIGNAL(error(QProcess::ProcessError)), this, SLOT(errorProcess(QProcess::ProcessError))); loggingProcess_ = NULL;
complete the interface with some features:
status message and status bar
statusMessage_ = new QLabel(statusBar()); stateMessage_ = new QLabel(statusBar()); flag_ = new QLabel(statusBar()); pix_ = new QPixmap(statusBar()->height() / 2, statusBar()->height() / 2); flag_->setPixmap(*pix_); flag_->setToolTip(tr("Status indicator")); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(statusMessage_); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(stateMessage_); statusBar()->addPermanentWidget(flag_);
setState(State::empty); showMessage(tr("Ready"));
The persistency database is queried in different place:
Population of tables in the detail view panel tabs (WindowsMain.cc @line 495-502)
#if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && (!defined(SQLITE)) tablewInput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.input = true", undoStack_); intTablewInput_ = new WidgetTableIntegers(" AND ITBL.tag like '%enableAssignment%'", undoStack_); tablewOutput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.output = true", undoStack_); #else tablewInput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.input = \'1\'", undoStack_); intTablewInput_ = new WidgetTableIntegers(" AND ITBL.tag like '%enableAssignment%'", undoStack_); tablewOutput_ = new WidgetTableDouble(" AND QTBL.output = \'1\'", undoStack_); #endif
In DialogOpen::addItem
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); QString querystring = QString("select tag, description, id from N where type = \'%1\'").arg(type); query.exec(querystring);
In void ActionLibpf::getErrorsWarnings to get warnings and errors after kernel computation:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); QString querystring; #if defined SQLITE querystring = "SELECT warn.warnings, err.errors FROM (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as warnings from ITBL where tag = \'nWarnings\') as warn join (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as errors from ITBL where tag = \'nErrors\') as err join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = warn.catalogid and CATALOG.id = err.catalogid and CATALOG.id = ?"; #else querystring = "SELECT distinct ITBL.I as warnings, itbl2.I as errors FROM ((CATALOG inner join ITBL on CATALOG.id = ITBL.catalogid) inner join ITBL as itbl2 on CATALOG.id = itbl2.catalogid) WHERE CATALOG.id = ? and ITBL.tag = \'nWarnings\' and itbl2.tag = \'nErrors\'"; #endif
In ModelIntegerEditable::go used by CommandDataSetInteger and WidgetTableIntegers to set and update integer table in the detail view panel
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && (!defined(SQLITE)) query.exec(QString("select completetag from CATALOG where id = %1").arg(node)); #else query.exec(QString("select trim(completetag) from CATALOG where id = %1").arg(node)); #endif query.next(); prefix_ = query.value(0).toString().toStdString(); strip_ = prefix_.length(); // qDebug() << strip_; QString qs; if (child_) { #if defined SQLITE qs = "SELECT distinct substr(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||ITBL.tag,%3+2), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID FROM " "ITBL join (select TC.finish as finish, TC.start as start from TC where TC.start = %1 or TC.finish = %1) as mytc join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = ITBL.catalogid and (CATALOG.id = mytc.finish or CATALOG.id = mytc.start) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined Q_OS_WIN qs = "select distinct right(CATALOG.completetag+\'.\'+ITBL.tag, len(CATALOG.completetag)+1+len(ITBL.tag)-%3-1), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined MYSQL qs = "select distinct substring(concat(CATALOG.completetag,\'.\',ITBL.tag) from (%3+2)), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined POSTGRESQL // Added by StoianE postgres+linux qs = "select distinct substring(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||ITBL.tag from (%3+2)), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #endif } else { #if defined SQLITE qs = "SELECT substr(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||ITBL.tag,%3+2), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID FROM " "ITBL join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = ITBL.catalogid where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined Q_OS_WIN qs = "select distinct right(CATALOG.completetag+\'.\'+ITBL.tag, len(CATALOG.completetag)+1+len(ITBL.tag)-%3-1), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined MYSQL qs = "select distinct substring(concat(CATALOG.completetag,\'.\',ITBL.tag) from (%3+2)), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #elif defined POSTGRESQL // Added by StoianE postgres+linux qs = "select distinct substring(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||ITBL.tag from (%3+2)), ITBL.i, ITBL.DESCRIPTION, ITBL.ID from " "(ITBL inner join CATALOG on (ITBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by ITBL.ID"; #endif }
In ModelQuantityEditable::go used by CommandDataSetDouble and WidgetTableDouble to set and update double table in the detail view panel. The usage is for both input and output table: see point 1 (WindowsMain.cc @line 495-502) for the queries modifications.
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); if (currentNode_ != node) { qDebug() << "ModelQuantityEditable::go" << node; qValue_.clear(); uValue_.clear(); } query.setNumericalPrecisionPolicy(QSql::LowPrecisionDouble); #if defined SQLITE query.exec(QString("select completetag from CATALOG where id = %1").arg(node)); #else query.exec(QString("select trim(completetag) from CATALOG where id = %1").arg(node)); #endif query.next(); prefix_ = query.value(0).toString().toStdString(); strip_ = prefix_.length(); qDebug() << "complete tag = " << prefix_.c_str(); // qDebug() << strip_; QString qs; if (child_) { #if defined SQLITE qs = "SELECT distinct substr(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag,%3+2), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID FROM " "QTBL join (select TC.finish as finish, TC.start as start from TC where TC.start = %1 or TC.finish = %1) as mytc join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = QTBL.catalogid and (CATALOG.id = mytc.finish or CATALOG.id = mytc.start) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined Q_OS_WIN qs = "select distinct right(CATALOG.completetag+\'.\'+QTBL.tag, len(CATALOG.completetag)+1+len(QTBL.tag)-%3-1), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined MYSQL qs = "select distinct substring(concat(CATALOG.completetag,\'.\',QTBL.tag) from (%3+2) ), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined POSTGRESQL // Added by StoianE postgres + linux qs = "select distinct substring(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag from (%3+2)), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(TC inner join (QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) on ((TC.finish = CATALOG.id) or (CATALOG.id = %1))) " "where ((TC.start = %1) or (CATALOG.id = %1)) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #endif } else { #if defined SQLITE qs = "SELECT substr(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag, %3+2), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID FROM " "QTBL join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = QTBL.catalogid where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined Q_OS_WIN qs = "select distinct right(CATALOG.completetag+\'.\'+QTBL.tag, len(CATALOG.completetag)+1+len(QTBL.tag)-%3-1), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined MYSQL qs = "select distinct substring(concat(CATALOG.completetag,\'.\',QTBL.tag) from (%3+2)), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #elif defined POSTGRESQL // Added by StoianE postgres + linux qs = "select distinct substring(CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag from (%3+2)), QTBL.Q, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.ID from " "(QTBL inner join CATALOG on (QTBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where (CATALOG.id = %1) %2 order by QTBL.ID"; #endif } qs = qs.arg(node).arg(extraFilter_.c_str()).arg(strip_); // qDebug() << "Query in ModelQuantityEditable::go = " << qs; setQuery(qs, db); if (lastError().isValid()) qDebug() << "Error while executing query in ModelQuantityEditable::go: " << lastError();
In WidgetTableMessages::go used to set and update message table in the detail view panel
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) && (!defined(SQLITE)) QString qs("select STBL.tag+\' \'+STBL.s from (STBL inner join CATALOG on (STBL.catalogid = CATALOG.id)) where ((CATALOG.id = %1) and ((STBL.tag like \'errorMsg%\') or (STBL.tag like \'warningMsg%\')))"); #elif !defined(POSTGRESQL) QString qs("SELECT CONCAT(smsg.tag,\' \',smsg.s) FROM (select STBL.tag as tag, STBL.s as s, STBL.catalogid as catalogid from STBL where tag like \'errorMsg%\' or tag like \'warningMsg%\') as smsg join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = smsg.catalogid and CATALOG.id = %1"); #else QString qs("SELECT smsg.tag||\' \'||smsg.s FROM (select STBL.tag as tag, STBL.s as s, STBL.catalogid as catalogid from STBL where tag like \'errorMsg%\' or tag like \'warningMsg%\') as smsg join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = smsg.catalogid and CATALOG.id = %1"); #endif qs = qs.arg(node); model_->setQuery(qs, db); if (model_->lastError().isValid()) qDebug() << "Error while executing query in WidgetTableMessages::go: " << model_->lastError(); model_->setHeaderData(0, Qt::Horizontal, tr("Error/Warning message"));
In WidgetTree::forceGo
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery queryItem(db); QString queryString; #if defined SQLITE queryString = "SELECT CATALOG.tag, CATALOG.type, CATALOG.description, CATALOG.parent, CATALOG.completetag, warn.warnings, err.errors FROM (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as warnings from ITBL where tag = \'nWarnings\') as warn join (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as errors from ITBL where tag = \'nErrors\') as err join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = warn.catalogid and CATALOG.id = err.catalogid and CATALOG.id = ?"; #else queryString = "SELECT distinct CATALOG.tag, CATALOG.type, CATALOG.description, CATALOG.parent, CATALOG.completetag, ITBL.I as warnings, itbl2.I as errors FROM ((CATALOG inner join ITBL on CATALOG.id = ITBL.catalogid) inner join ITBL as itbl2 on CATALOG.id = itbl2.catalogid) WHERE CATALOG.id = ? and ITBL.tag = \'nWarnings\' and itbl2.tag = \'nErrors\'"; #endif queryItem.prepare(queryString); queryItem.addBindValue(node); queryItem.exec();
In WidgetTree::addChilds
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery queryChilds(db); QTreeWidgetItem* itemChild; queryChilds.prepare("SELECT i FROM ITBL WHERE tag like \'embedded%\' AND catalogid = ? ORDER BY id"); queryChilds.addBindValue(cid); queryChilds.exec(); ... #if defined SQLITE QString queryString("SELECT CATALOG.tag, CATALOG.type, CATALOG.description, warn.warnings, err.errors FROM (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as warnings from ITBL where tag = \'nWarnings\') as warn join (select ITBL.catalogid as catalogid, ITBL.i as errors from ITBL where tag = \'nErrors\') as err join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = warn.catalogid and CATALOG.id = err.catalogid and CATALOG.id = "); #else QString queryString("SELECT distinct CATALOG.tag, CATALOG.type, CATALOG.description, ITBL.I as warnings, itbl2.I as errors FROM ((CATALOG inner join ITBL on CATALOG.id = ITBL.catalogid) inner join ITBL as itbl2 on CATALOG.id = itbl2.catalogid) WHERE ITBL.tag = \'nWarnings\' and itbl2.tag = \'nErrors\' and CATALOG.id = "); #endif queryString += QVariant(i).toString(); query.exec(queryString);
in DelegateControl constructor (DelegateControl.cc) used in WidgetTableControl for DialogSensitivity:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); #if defined SQLITE query.prepare("SELECT distinct QTBL.ID, CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.tag, QTBL.Q FROM" \ " QTBL join (select TC.finish as finish, TC.start as start from TC where TC.start = ? or TC.finish = ?) as mytc" \ " join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = QTBL.catalogid and (CATALOG.id = mytc.finish or CATALOG.id = mytc.start) AND QTBL.input = 1"); #elif defined Q_OS_WIN query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT qtbl.id, catalog.completetag+\'.\'+QTBL.tag, qtbl.uom, qtbl.description, qtbl.tag, qtbl.q FROM" \ " ((SELECT finish, start FROM tc WHERE tc.start = ? OR tc.finish = ?) AS mytc INNER JOIN" \ " (qtbl INNER JOIN catalog ON (qtbl.catalogid = catalog.id AND qtbl.input = true)) on ((mytc.finish = catalog.id) or (mytc.start = catalog.id))) ORDER BY qtbl.id;"); #else // postgres query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT qtbl.id, catalog.completetag||\'.\'||qtbl.tag, qtbl.uom, qtbl.description, qtbl.tag, qtbl.q FROM " \ " ((SELECT finish, start FROM tc WHERE tc.start = ? OR tc.finish = ?) AS mytc INNER JOIN" \ " (qtbl INNER JOIN catalog ON (qtbl.catalogid = catalog.id AND qtbl.input = true)) on ((mytc.finish = catalog.id) or (mytc.start = catalog.id))) ORDER BY qtbl.id;"); #endif
In DelegateMonitor constructor (DelegateMonitor.cc) used in WidgetTableMonitor for DialogSensitivity:
QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase::database("persistency"); QSqlQuery query(db); #if defined SQLITE query.prepare("SELECT distinct qtbl.id, CATALOG.completetag||\'.\'||QTBL.tag, QTBL.UOM, QTBL.DESCRIPTION, QTBL.tag FROM " \ " QTBL join (select TC.finish as finish, TC.start as start from TC where TC.start = ? or TC.finish = ?) as mytc" \ " join CATALOG on CATALOG.id = QTBL.catalogid and (CATALOG.id = mytc.finish or CATALOG.id = mytc.start) and qtbl.output = 1"); #elif defined Q_OS_WIN query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT qtbl.id, catalog.completetag+\'.\'+qtbl.tag, qtbl.uom, qtbl.description, qtbl.tag FROM" \ " ((SELECT finish, start FROM tc WHERE tc.start = ? OR tc.finish = ?) AS mytc INNER JOIN (qtbl INNER JOIN catalog ON (qtbl.catalogid = catalog.id AND qtbl.output = true)) on ((mytc.finish = catalog.id) or (mytc.start = catalog.id))) ORDER BY qtbl.id;"); #else // postgres query.prepare("SELECT DISTINCT qtbl.id, catalog.completetag||\'.\'||qtbl.tag, qtbl.uom, qtbl.description, qtbl.tag FROM" \ " ((SELECT finish, start FROM tc WHERE tc.start = ? OR tc.finish = ?) AS mytc INNER JOIN (qtbl INNER JOIN catalog ON (qtbl.catalogid = catalog.id AND qtbl.output = true)) on ((mytc.finish = catalog.id) or (mytc.start = catalog.id))) ORDER BY qtbl.id;"); #endif