nvector_gmm.h File Reference

Header file for the gmm implementation of the NVECTOR module. More...

#include <vector>
#include <gmm/gmm.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_nvector.h>
#include <sundials/sundials_types.h>


struct  _N_VectorContent_Gmm


#define NV_CONTENT_S(v)   ((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))
#define NV_LENGTH_S(v)   (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->size())
#define NV_OWN_DATA_S(v)   (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->own_data)
#define NV_DATA_S(v)   (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data)
#define NV_DATA_SI(v)   (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->begin())
#define NV_DATA_SR(v)   (*(((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data))
#define NV_Ith_S(v, i)   (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->operator[](i))


typedef struct _N_VectorContent_GmmN_VectorContent_Gmm


N_Vector N_VNew_Gmm (long vec_length)
N_Vector N_VNewEmpty_Gmm (long vec_length)
N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm (long vec_length, realtype *v_data)
N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm1 (std::vector< realtype > *v_data)
N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm2 (std::vector< realtype > &v_data)
N_Vector * N_VNewVectorArray_Gmm (int count, long vec_length)
N_Vector * N_VNewVectorArrayEmpty_Gmm (int count, long vec_length)
void N_VDestroyVectorArray_Gmm (N_Vector *vs, int count)
void N_VPrint_Gmm (N_Vector v)
N_Vector N_VCloneEmpty_Gmm (N_Vector w)
N_Vector N_VClone_Gmm (N_Vector w)
void N_VDestroy_Gmm (N_Vector v)
void N_VSpace_Gmm (N_Vector v, long *lrw, long *liw)
realtype * N_VGetArrayPointer_Gmm (N_Vector v)
void N_VSetArrayPointer_Gmm (realtype *v_data, N_Vector v)
void N_VLinearSum_Gmm (realtype a, N_Vector x, realtype b, N_Vector y, N_Vector z)
void N_VConst_Gmm (realtype c, N_Vector z)
void N_VProd_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector y, N_Vector z)
void N_VDiv_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector y, N_Vector z)
void N_VScale_Gmm (realtype c, N_Vector x, N_Vector z)
void N_VAbs_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector z)
void N_VInv_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector z)
void N_VAddConst_Gmm (N_Vector x, realtype b, N_Vector z)
realtype N_VDotProd_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector y)
realtype N_VMaxNorm_Gmm (N_Vector x)
realtype N_VWrmsNorm_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector w)
realtype N_VWrmsNormMask_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector w, N_Vector id)
realtype N_VMin_Gmm (N_Vector x)
realtype N_VWL2Norm_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector w)
realtype N_VL1Norm_Gmm (N_Vector x)
void N_VCompare_Gmm (realtype c, N_Vector x, N_Vector z)
booleantype N_VInvTest_Gmm (N_Vector x, N_Vector z)
booleantype N_VConstrMask_Gmm (N_Vector c, N_Vector x, N_Vector m)
realtype N_VMinQuotient_Gmm (N_Vector num, N_Vector denom)

Detailed Description

Header file for the gmm implementation of the NVECTOR module.

This file is part of LIBPF All rights reserved; do not distribute without permission.

(C) Copyright 2004-2024 Paolo Greppi simevo s.r.l.

Macro Definition Documentation




#define NV_CONTENT_S (   v)    ((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))


#define NV_DATA_S (   v)    (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data)


#define NV_DATA_SI (   v)    (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->begin())


#define NV_DATA_SR (   v)    (*(((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data))

◆ NV_Ith_S

#define NV_Ith_S (   v,
)    (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->operator[](i))


#define NV_LENGTH_S (   v)    (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->data->size())


#define NV_OWN_DATA_S (   v)    (((N_VectorContent_Gmm)((v)->content))->own_data)

Typedef Documentation

◆ N_VectorContent_Gmm

Function Documentation

◆ N_VAbs_Gmm()

void N_VAbs_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VAddConst_Gmm()

void N_VAddConst_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
realtype  b,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VClone_Gmm()

N_Vector N_VClone_Gmm ( N_Vector  w)

◆ N_VCloneEmpty_Gmm()

N_Vector N_VCloneEmpty_Gmm ( N_Vector  w)

◆ N_VCompare_Gmm()

void N_VCompare_Gmm ( realtype  c,
N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VConst_Gmm()

void N_VConst_Gmm ( realtype  c,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VConstrMask_Gmm()

booleantype N_VConstrMask_Gmm ( N_Vector  c,
N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  m 

◆ N_VDestroy_Gmm()

void N_VDestroy_Gmm ( N_Vector  v)

◆ N_VDestroyVectorArray_Gmm()

void N_VDestroyVectorArray_Gmm ( N_Vector *  vs,
int  count 

◆ N_VDiv_Gmm()

void N_VDiv_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  y,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VDotProd_Gmm()

realtype N_VDotProd_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  y 

◆ N_VGetArrayPointer_Gmm()

realtype * N_VGetArrayPointer_Gmm ( N_Vector  v)

◆ N_VInv_Gmm()

void N_VInv_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VInvTest_Gmm()

booleantype N_VInvTest_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VL1Norm_Gmm()

realtype N_VL1Norm_Gmm ( N_Vector  x)

◆ N_VLinearSum_Gmm()

void N_VLinearSum_Gmm ( realtype  a,
N_Vector  x,
realtype  b,
N_Vector  y,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VMake_Gmm()

N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm ( long  vec_length,
realtype *  v_data 

◆ N_VMake_Gmm1()

N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm1 ( std::vector< realtype > *  v_data)

◆ N_VMake_Gmm2()

N_Vector N_VMake_Gmm2 ( std::vector< realtype > &  v_data)

◆ N_VMaxNorm_Gmm()

realtype N_VMaxNorm_Gmm ( N_Vector  x)

◆ N_VMin_Gmm()

realtype N_VMin_Gmm ( N_Vector  x)

◆ N_VMinQuotient_Gmm()

realtype N_VMinQuotient_Gmm ( N_Vector  num,
N_Vector  denom 

◆ N_VNew_Gmm()

N_Vector N_VNew_Gmm ( long  vec_length)

◆ N_VNewEmpty_Gmm()

N_Vector N_VNewEmpty_Gmm ( long  vec_length)

◆ N_VNewVectorArray_Gmm()

N_Vector * N_VNewVectorArray_Gmm ( int  count,
long  vec_length 

◆ N_VNewVectorArrayEmpty_Gmm()

N_Vector * N_VNewVectorArrayEmpty_Gmm ( int  count,
long  vec_length 

◆ N_VPrint_Gmm()

void N_VPrint_Gmm ( N_Vector  v)

◆ N_VProd_Gmm()

void N_VProd_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  y,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VScale_Gmm()

void N_VScale_Gmm ( realtype  c,
N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  z 

◆ N_VSetArrayPointer_Gmm()

void N_VSetArrayPointer_Gmm ( realtype *  v_data,
N_Vector  v 

◆ N_VSpace_Gmm()

void N_VSpace_Gmm ( N_Vector  v,
long *  lrw,
long *  liw 

◆ N_VWL2Norm_Gmm()

realtype N_VWL2Norm_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  w 

◆ N_VWrmsNorm_Gmm()

realtype N_VWrmsNorm_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  w 

◆ N_VWrmsNormMask_Gmm()

realtype N_VWrmsNormMask_Gmm ( N_Vector  x,
N_Vector  w,
N_Vector  id 