Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
►NLibpf | |
►NPhase | |
►Npurecomps | Supported chemical and food-related components |
C_N_VectorContent_Gmm | |
CActiveInitializer | |
CAssignment | Used to store an explicit equation |
CAutomatic | |
CBaseActive | |
CCalculatable | Abstract mixin with the interface that has to be implemented by a Model capable of being solved both in simultaneous and in sequential mode |
CCategory | |
CChoiOkos | |
CColumn | |
CColumnSection | |
CComponentBase | |
CComponentBiochem | |
CComponentBkk | |
CComponentCmu | |
CComponentDippr | |
CComponentGeneric | |
CComponentInterface | |
CComponentPdippr | |
CComponentSolid | |
CCompressionStage | |
CCompressor | |
CConnectivity | Vertex connectivity |
CControlledVariable | |
CCut | |
CCutsSolution | |
CDaeInterface | Base class for Differential Algebraic Equations systems solvers |
CDecanter | |
CDegasser | |
CDeInterface | Base class for Differential Equations systems solvers |
CDiagnostic | |
CDimension | |
Cdippr | |
CDirection | |
CDivider | Vertex model to represent a multi-stream Divider (i.e. a tee or multi-way valve) |
CEdgeBase | |
CEjector | |
CElectricalConsumption | |
CError | |
CErrorBrowsing | |
CErrorConnectivity | |
CErrorDynamicCast | |
CErrorInvalidCharacter | |
CErrorJson | |
CErrorObjectFactory | |
CErrorRunTime | |
CErrorSmartEnum | |
CErrorUnit | |
CExchanger | |
CFactoryFlowsheets | |
CFactoryPhases | |
CFactoryReactions | |
CFactoryStreams | |
CFactoryUnits | |
CFallingFilm | |
CFlash | |
CFlashBase | |
CFlashDegasser | Parameterized vertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) flash drum with many inlets and two outlets: one vapor phase outlet stream and one liquid / condensate / solid phase outlet stream |
CFlashDrum | |
CFlashDrumBase | |
CFlashLlTx | |
CFlashMode | |
CFlashSplitter | Parameterized vertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) Flash drum with many inlets and X outlets |
CFlashVl | |
CFlashVlT | |
CFlashVlTx | |
CFlowPattern | |
CFlowPatternAscii | |
CFlowPatternDown | FlowPatternDown hardwired flow pattern, Direction=down |
CFlowPatternDummy | |
CFlowPatternLeft | FlowPatternLeft hardwired flow pattern, Direction=left |
CFlowPatternRight | FlowPatternUp hardwired flow pattern, Direction=right |
CFlowPatternSimple | |
CFlowPatternSpiralRight66 | |
CFlowPatternSpiralRight96 | |
CFlowPatternUp | FlowPatternUp hardwired flow pattern, Direction=up |
CFlowSheet | |
CFormulaParser | |
Cfstring | Utility class with variable format |
CGenericActive | |
CGenericValue | Model for physical quantities complete with unit of measurement, derivates and persistency |
CGroupBkk | |
CHeatTransfer | |
CHomotopy | |
CHomotopyInput | |
CHomotopyInputJson | Initialize from JSON |
CHomotopyInputXml | Initialize from XML file |
CHomotopyVariable | |
CHtuNtu | Vertex model to represent countercurrent multicomponent mass transfer of dilute components in an absorber or a stripper |
CIcon | |
CInteger | Integer variable |
CIntegerVector | Integer vector variable |
CItem | Semi-abstract class, with a type, a tag and a description; also knows about its parent so can be part of a hierarchical data structure |
CJacobian | |
CKey | |
Ckldip_parameterWater | |
Ckvdip_parameterWater | |
CLibpfInitializer | |
CLiquidRingVacuumPump | Liquid ring vacuum pump model Port list: |
CListComponents | Component list manager Vector Wrapper to manage the actual component list |
CMassBalanceMode | |
CMixer | Vertex model to represent a multi-stream Mixer |
CModel | |
CMonitoredVariable | |
Cmuldip_parameterWater | |
CMultiCompressorIntercooled | |
CMultiExchanger | Vertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) rating multi-Stream heat exchanger |
CMultiplier | Vertex model to represent a stream Multiplier |
CMultiReaction | Model to represent a generic multiphase Reaction object |
CMultiReactionElectrochemical | |
CMultiReactionTransfer | Model for multi reaction with phase transfer |
CMultiStage | Vertex model to represent a generic multi-stage countercurrent unit |
CMultiStage2D | Vertex model to represent a generic 2D distributed unit Vertex numbering from 0 to nX-1, from 0 to nY - 1 |
CMultiStageOneTwo | Vertex model to represent a multi-stage unit with 1-2 connectivity |
CMutableVector | |
Cmuvdip_parameterWater | |
►CNode | Concrete class, to represent a persistable node belonging to a hierarchical tree structure; the descendant ids are inside a sequential range of ids [rootId() .. (rootId() + range() - 1)] for a Node belonging to a tree the tag must be unique among siblings; also contains properties and methods related to the visualization (icon, setIcon...) |
CNodeFactory | Node factory |
CNodeFactoryInitializer | |
CNumeric | |
►CObject | A Node with Quantity, String and Integer variables |
CObjectFactory0 | Object factory for 0 parameter-constructor |
CObjectFactory0< B(void), U > | |
CObjectiveDae | Abstract base class for defining Differential Algebraic Equation systems |
CObjectiveDaeDynamic | ObjectiveDae derivate to encode the DAE set for the dynamic resolution of a flowsheet |
CObjectiveFlood | |
CObjectiveLoad | Objective function to determine the load limits |
CObjectiveNleAd | Objective function with scaling based on Scaler class and analytical derivatives computed with FADOO |
CObjectiveNleAdFlowsheet | Differentiate calculateResiduals and calculateResidualsLocal |
CObjectiveNleAdVertex | Differentiate calculateResiduals and calculateResidualsLocal |
CObjectiveNleAuto | Objective function with analytical derivatives computed with FADOO (Forward Automatic Differentiation with Operator Overloading) |
CObjectiveNleInterface | |
CObjectiveScalar | Scalar objective function with scaling |
CObjectiveScalarInterface | Scalar objective function for optimization |
COrdering | |
COrderingLexicographical | |
COrderingReflectedGray | |
COrderingSpiral | |
CParameterAntoine | |
CParameterBkk | |
CParameterChoiOkos | |
CParameterDippr7 | |
CParameterHenry | |
CParameterVolp | |
Cpdippr | |
CPersistency | Pesistent storage management class |
CPersistencyOdbc | Manage the Persistency storage inside ODBC database |
CPersistencyPostgres | Manage the Percistency storage inside Postgres data source |
CPersistencySqlite | Manage the Percistency storage inside SQLite data source |
CPersistent | Semi-abstract class for Items with an id; can be persisted i.e. serialized |
CPhaseActivity | For liquid phases with activity-coefficients thermo |
CPhaseGeneric | Generic phase model with properties and mass / molar representation |
CPhaseIndex | |
CPhaseSimple | Simple mass-balance only {vapor, liquid, solid} phase Options: |
CPhaseSimpleTotal | Total phase model for simple mass-balance only (fraction, mdot, w, mdotcomps) Accumulates mass flows over all phases and computes the total phase for a stream |
CPhaseTotal | A total phase model Accumulates mass and molar flows over all phases and computes the total phase for a stream |
CPhaseType | |
CPipe | Model for a pipe object for liquids |
CPipeBase | |
CPrecedence | |
CPressureSwingAbsorption | |
CProduct | |
CPump | Simple class for liquid pump calculation |
CQuantity | Floating point variable |
CQuantityMatrix | Real matrix variable |
CQuantityVector | Real vector variable |
CRatingColumn | |
CRatingColumnTray | |
CRatingColumnTraySieve | |
CRatingHeat | |
CRatingHeatShellAndTubeFallingFilmReboiler | |
CRatingHeatShellAndTubeHeater | Model to represent a Shell and Tube heat heater fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (utility, hot): shell side |
CRatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | Model to represent a Shell and Tube heat heat recovery fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (process, hot): shell side |
CRatingHeatShellAndTubeThermosiphon | Model to represent a Shell and Tube heat Vertical Thermosiphon fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (utility, hot): shell side |
CReaction | Model to represent a generic Reaction object |
CReactionEquilibrium | Model to represent a generic Reaction at equilibrium |
CReactionOxidationC2H6 | Model to represent the total combustion of ethane with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionOxidationCO | Model to represent the total combustion of CO with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionOxidationEquilibriumCH4 | Model to represent the combustion of methane at equilibrium |
CReactionOxidationEquilibriumN2 | Model to represent the oxidation of nitrogen at equilibrium |
CReactionOxidationHydrocarbon | Model to represent the total combustion of a generic hydrocarbon (CxHy) with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionOxidationMeOH | Model to represent the total combustion of methanol with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionOxidationN2 | Model to represent the oxidation of nitrogen |
CReactionOxidationNH3 | Model to represent the total combustion of ammonia with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionOxidationPhenol | Model to represent the total combustion of phenol with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionReformingC2H6 | Model to represent the reforming of ethane with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionReformingC3H8 | Model to represent the reforming of propane with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionReformingCH4 | Model to represent the reforming of methane with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionReformingEquilibriumC2H6 | Model to represent the reforming of ethane at equilibrium |
CReactionReformingEquilibriumC3H8 | Model to represent the reforming of propane at equilibrium |
CReactionReformingEquilibriumCH4 | Model to represent the reforming of methane at equilibrium |
CReactionReformingEquilibriumMeOH | Model to represent the reforming of methanol at equilibrium |
CReactionReformingMeOH | Model to represent the reforming of methanol with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionSynthesisEquilibriumNH3 | Model to represent the synthesis of ammonia at equilibrium |
CReactionSynthesisNH3 | Model to represent the synthesis of ammonia |
CReactionWaterGasC | Model to represent the water gas production fron C with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionWaterGasShift | Model to represent a Water Gas Shift Reaction with specified fixed conversion |
CReactionWaterGasShiftEquilibrium | Model to represent a Water Gas Shift Reaction at equilibrium |
CReactionYield | Model to represent a Reaction with specified fixed conversion |
CReboilerCrossFlow | |
CRecorder | |
CRegistrar | |
Cregistry_int | |
Cregistry_string | |
Cregistry_string< std::basic_string< TCHAR > > | |
Cregistry_value | |
CResult | |
CRouteHeatLiquid | |
CRouteHeatLiquidBkk | |
CRouteHeatLiquidDummySolidBkk | |
CRouteHeatSolid | |
CRouteHeatSolidBkk | |
CRouteHeatSolidDummy | |
CRouteHeatVapor | |
CRouteHeatVaporCmu | |
CRouteHeatVaporDippr | |
CRouteHeatVaporDummy | |
CRouteHeatVaporVolp | |
CRouteSaturation | |
CRouteSaturationCmu | |
CRouteSaturationDummy | |
CRouteTransport | |
CRouteTransportCmu | |
CRouteTransportDippr | |
CRouteTransportDummy | |
CRouteTransportSimple | |
CRouteVolumeLiquid | |
CRouteVolumeLiquidDippr | |
CRouteVolumeLiquidWater | |
CRouteVolumeSolid | |
CRouteVolumeSolidDummy | |
CRouteVolumeVapor | |
CRouteVolumeVaporDummy | |
CRouteVolumeVaporIdeal | |
CScaler | |
CScalingMode | |
CSelector | Vertex model to represent a stream Selector |
CSensitivity | |
CSensitivityInput | |
CSensitivityInputJson | Initialize from JSON |
CSensitivityInputXml | Initialize from XML file |
CSensitivityResult | |
CSeparator | Vertex model to represent a general purpose separator with many inlets and nOutlets >= 2 outlets |
CSequentialAssembly | Contains informations about cuts and user specified global equations |
CShellAndTube | Model to represent a Shell and Tube heat exchanger geometry |
CShellCondensing | |
CShellSensible | |
Csigdip_parameterWater | |
CSolverConjugateGradient | Conjugate Gradient minimization |
CSolverDaeIda | |
CSolverNleInterface | |
CSolverNleQ | |
CSolverNleQAutomatic | |
CSolverNleQNumeric | |
CSolverNleRecipes | |
CSolverNleRecipesAutomatic | |
CSolverNleRecipesNumeric | |
CSplitter | Vertex model to represent a stream phase separator |
CStream | Edge model for the mass and energy balance of a generic stream semi-abstract class Contains P, T and one Phase subobject: total phase |
CStreamBaseSimple | |
CStreamIapwsLiquidVapor | |
CStreamInterface | |
CStreamOne | Stream with a single fluid phase |
CStreamOneSolid | Parameterized stream with a single fluid phase and one solid phase |
CStreamSimple | |
CStreamTabularLiquidLiquid | |
CStreamTabularLiquidVapor | |
CStreamTwo | Stream with two fluid phases, use for VL or LL equilibria |
CStreamTwoSolid | Stream with two fluid phases and one solid use for vapor-liquid solid or liquid-liquid-solid streams |
CString | String variable |
CStringVector | String vector variable |
CTabular | Mixin for constant kvli |
CTask | |
CTerminator | Special purpose model to serve as source or sink of all streams entering a flowsheet and as sink to all stream exiting the flowsheet |
CTiming | Timer for diagnostic purposes |
CTubesBoiling | Model to represent Tube-side forced boiling fluid one (process, cold): tube side |
CTubesFallingFilmBoiling | Model to represent tube side falling film boiling fluid one (process, cold): tube side |
CTubesSensible | Model to represent Tube-side single phase sensible heat transfer (heating or cooling) |
CType | Generic Item, header-only |
CTypeVector | Generic vector Item, header-only |
CUnitArrayGen | |
CUnitEngine | Unit of mesurement converter |
CVector | |
CVertexBase | Base of the hierarchy of all vertex model types to be included in a FlowSheet This class manages the connection of vertexes with edges and derived classes must implement the Calculatable interface |
CZone | Zone of a vertical shell and tube water steam fed thermosiphon |