Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NpurecompsSupported chemical and food-related components
 CAssignmentUsed to store an explicit equation
 CCalculatableAbstract mixin with the interface that has to be implemented by a Model capable of being solved both in simultaneous and in sequential mode
 CConnectivityVertex connectivity
 CDaeInterfaceBase class for Differential Algebraic Equations systems solvers
 CDeInterfaceBase class for Differential Equations systems solvers
 CDividerVertex model to represent a multi-stream Divider (i.e. a tee or multi-way valve)
 CFlashDegasserParameterized vertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) flash drum with many inlets and two outlets: one vapor phase outlet stream and one liquid / condensate / solid phase outlet stream
 CFlashSplitterParameterized vertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) Flash drum with many inlets and X outlets
 CFlowPatternDownFlowPatternDown hardwired flow pattern, Direction=down
 CFlowPatternLeftFlowPatternLeft hardwired flow pattern, Direction=left
 CFlowPatternRightFlowPatternUp hardwired flow pattern, Direction=right
 CFlowPatternUpFlowPatternUp hardwired flow pattern, Direction=up
 CfstringUtility class with variable format
 CGenericValueModel for physical quantities complete with unit of measurement, derivates and persistency
 CHomotopyInputJsonInitialize from JSON
 CHomotopyInputXmlInitialize from XML file
 CHtuNtuVertex model to represent countercurrent multicomponent mass transfer of dilute components in an absorber or a stripper
 CIntegerInteger variable
 CIntegerVectorInteger vector variable
 CItemSemi-abstract class, with a type, a tag and a description; also knows about its parent so can be part of a hierarchical data structure
 CLiquidRingVacuumPumpLiquid ring vacuum pump model
Port list:
 CListComponentsComponent list manager
Vector Wrapper to manage the actual component list
 CMixerVertex model to represent a multi-stream Mixer
 CMultiExchangerVertex model to represent an (optionally reactive) rating multi-Stream heat exchanger
 CMultiplierVertex model to represent a stream Multiplier
 CMultiReactionModel to represent a generic multiphase Reaction object
 CMultiReactionTransferModel for multi reaction with phase transfer
 CMultiStageVertex model to represent a generic multi-stage countercurrent unit
 CMultiStage2DVertex model to represent a generic 2D distributed unit Vertex numbering from 0 to nX-1, from 0 to nY - 1
 CMultiStageOneTwoVertex model to represent a multi-stage unit with 1-2 connectivity
 CNodeConcrete class, to represent a persistable node belonging to a hierarchical tree structure; the descendant ids are inside a sequential range of ids [rootId() .. (rootId() + range() - 1)] for a Node belonging to a tree the tag must be unique among siblings; also contains properties and methods related to the visualization (icon, setIcon...)
 CNodeFactoryNode factory
 CObjectA Node with Quantity, String and Integer variables
 CObjectFactory0Object factory for 0 parameter-constructor
 CObjectFactory0< B(void), U >
 CObjectiveDaeAbstract base class for defining Differential Algebraic Equation systems
 CObjectiveDaeDynamicObjectiveDae derivate to encode the DAE set for the dynamic resolution of a flowsheet
 CObjectiveLoadObjective function to determine the load limits
 CObjectiveNleAdObjective function with scaling based on Scaler class and analytical derivatives computed with FADOO
 CObjectiveNleAdFlowsheetDifferentiate calculateResiduals and calculateResidualsLocal
 CObjectiveNleAdVertexDifferentiate calculateResiduals and calculateResidualsLocal
 CObjectiveNleAutoObjective function with analytical derivatives computed with FADOO (Forward Automatic Differentiation with Operator Overloading)
 CObjectiveScalarScalar objective function with scaling
 CObjectiveScalarInterfaceScalar objective function for optimization
 CPersistencyPesistent storage management class
 CPersistencyOdbcManage the Persistency storage inside ODBC database
 CPersistencyPostgresManage the Percistency storage inside Postgres data source
 CPersistencySqliteManage the Percistency storage inside SQLite data source
 CPersistentSemi-abstract class for Items with an id; can be persisted i.e. serialized
 CPhaseActivityFor liquid phases with activity-coefficients thermo
 CPhaseGenericGeneric phase model with properties and mass / molar representation
 CPhaseSimpleSimple mass-balance only {vapor, liquid, solid} phase Options:
 CPhaseSimpleTotalTotal phase model for simple mass-balance only (fraction, mdot, w, mdotcomps) Accumulates mass flows over all phases and computes the total phase for a stream
 CPhaseTotalA total phase model Accumulates mass and molar flows over all phases and computes the total phase for a stream
 CPipeModel for a pipe object for liquids
 CPumpSimple class for liquid pump calculation
 CQuantityFloating point variable
 CQuantityMatrixReal matrix variable
 CQuantityVectorReal vector variable
 CRatingHeatShellAndTubeHeaterModel to represent a Shell and Tube heat heater fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (utility, hot): shell side
 CRatingHeatShellAndTubeRecoveryModel to represent a Shell and Tube heat heat recovery fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (process, hot): shell side
 CRatingHeatShellAndTubeThermosiphonModel to represent a Shell and Tube heat Vertical Thermosiphon fluid one (process, cold): tube side fluid two (utility, hot): shell side
 CReactionModel to represent a generic Reaction object
 CReactionEquilibriumModel to represent a generic Reaction at equilibrium
 CReactionOxidationC2H6Model to represent the total combustion of ethane with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionOxidationCOModel to represent the total combustion of CO with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionOxidationEquilibriumCH4Model to represent the combustion of methane at equilibrium
 CReactionOxidationEquilibriumN2Model to represent the oxidation of nitrogen at equilibrium
 CReactionOxidationHydrocarbonModel to represent the total combustion of a generic hydrocarbon (CxHy) with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionOxidationMeOHModel to represent the total combustion of methanol with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionOxidationN2Model to represent the oxidation of nitrogen
 CReactionOxidationNH3Model to represent the total combustion of ammonia with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionOxidationPhenolModel to represent the total combustion of phenol with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionReformingC2H6Model to represent the reforming of ethane with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionReformingC3H8Model to represent the reforming of propane with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionReformingCH4Model to represent the reforming of methane with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionReformingEquilibriumC2H6Model to represent the reforming of ethane at equilibrium
 CReactionReformingEquilibriumC3H8Model to represent the reforming of propane at equilibrium
 CReactionReformingEquilibriumCH4Model to represent the reforming of methane at equilibrium
 CReactionReformingEquilibriumMeOHModel to represent the reforming of methanol at equilibrium
 CReactionReformingMeOHModel to represent the reforming of methanol with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionSynthesisEquilibriumNH3Model to represent the synthesis of ammonia at equilibrium
 CReactionSynthesisNH3Model to represent the synthesis of ammonia
 CReactionWaterGasCModel to represent the water gas production fron C with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionWaterGasShiftModel to represent a Water Gas Shift Reaction with specified fixed conversion
 CReactionWaterGasShiftEquilibriumModel to represent a Water Gas Shift Reaction at equilibrium
 CReactionYieldModel to represent a Reaction with specified fixed conversion
 Cregistry_string< std::basic_string< TCHAR > >
 CSelectorVertex model to represent a stream Selector
 CSensitivityInputJsonInitialize from JSON
 CSensitivityInputXmlInitialize from XML file
 CSeparatorVertex model to represent a general purpose separator with many inlets and nOutlets >= 2 outlets
 CSequentialAssemblyContains informations about cuts and user specified global equations
 CShellAndTubeModel to represent a Shell and Tube heat exchanger geometry
 CSolverConjugateGradientConjugate Gradient minimization
 CSplitterVertex model to represent a stream phase separator
 CStreamEdge model for the mass and energy balance of a generic stream semi-abstract class Contains P, T and one Phase subobject: total phase
 CStreamOneStream with a single fluid phase
 CStreamOneSolidParameterized stream with a single fluid phase and one solid phase
 CStreamTwoStream with two fluid phases, use for VL or LL equilibria
 CStreamTwoSolidStream with two fluid phases and one solid use for vapor-liquid solid or liquid-liquid-solid streams
 CStringString variable
 CStringVectorString vector variable
 CTabularMixin for constant kvli
 CTerminatorSpecial purpose model to serve as source or sink of all streams entering a flowsheet and as sink to all stream exiting the flowsheet
 CTimingTimer for diagnostic purposes
 CTubesBoilingModel to represent Tube-side forced boiling fluid one (process, cold): tube side
 CTubesFallingFilmBoilingModel to represent tube side falling film boiling fluid one (process, cold): tube side
 CTubesSensibleModel to represent Tube-side single phase sensible heat transfer (heating or cooling)
 CTypeGeneric Item, header-only
 CTypeVectorGeneric vector Item, header-only
 CUnitEngineUnit of mesurement converter
 CVertexBaseBase of the hierarchy of all vertex model types to be included in a FlowSheet This class manages the connection of vertexes with edges and derived classes must implement the Calculatable interface
 CZoneZone of a vertical shell and tube water steam fed thermosiphon