UIPF compiles under Qt 5
The User Interface for Process Flowsheeting (UIPF) compiles under the almost-alpha Qt 5 (tested under Debian sid): just build Qt 5 from Git, then apply the tips.
Change the uipf.pro file adding this (we don’t use QtDeclarative):
greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4) { QT += widgets }
Fixing #includes with the provided fixqt4headers.pl Perl script resulted in compilation failures under Qt 4 since the QtWidgets header does not exist; trick:
#if (QT_VERSION < 0x050000) #include <QtGui> #else #include <QtWidgets> #endif
Note: The best practice would be to get rid of the Qt* headers and just include the really required classes; chase them before you start with:
<pre>grep 'include <Qt' src/*cc include/*h</pre>
- One specific issue with UIPF was using the Q_WS_XX macros to conditionally compile for Windows (QT_WS_WIN), OSX (QT_WS_MAC) and Linux (QT_WS_X11); these do not exist anymore (everything is Q_WS_QPA after the Lighthouse merge) so one needs to switch on the Q_OS_XX macros: QT_OS_WIN for Windows, QT_OS_MAC for OSX and QT_OS_LINUX for Linux, see this post. The solution was:
sed -i ’s/Q_WS_X11/Q_OS_LINUX/g’ *cc sed -i ’s/Q_WS/Q_OS/g’ *cc
Mandatory screenshot (the fonts look ugly because it did not pick up the Oxygen theme for some reason):