units Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for units:


file  Compressor.h
 Contains the interface to the Compressor class.
file  Connectivity.h
 Contains the interface to the Connectivity class.
file  Degasser.h
 Contains the interface to the Degasser class.
file  Divider.h
 Contains the interface to the Divider class.
file  Ejector.h
 Contains the interface of the Ejector class.
file  ElectricalConsumption.h
 Contains the interface of the ElectricalConsumption class.
file  Exchanger.h
 Contains the interface to the Exchanger class.
file  FlashDegasser.h
file  FlashDrum.h
 Contains the interface to the FlashDrum class.
file  FlashDrumBase.h
 Contains the interface to the FlashDrumBase class.
file  FlashSplitter.h
file  HeatTransfer.h
 Contains the interface to the HeatTransfer classes.
file  HtuNtu.h
 Contains the interface to the HtuNtu class.
file  Mixer.h
 Contains the interface to the Mixer class.
file  MultiExchanger.h
 Contains the interface to the MultiExchanger class.
file  Multiplier.h
 Contains the interface to the Multiplier class.
file  MultiReaction.h
 Contains the interface to the MultiReaction class.
file  MultiReactionElectrochemical.h
 Contains the interface to the MultiReactionElectrochemical class.
file  MultiReactionTransfer.h
 Contains the interface to the MultiReactionTransfer class.
file  Pipe.h
 Contains the interface to the Pipe* classes.
file  Pump.h
 Contains the interface of the Pump class.
file  RatingHeat.h
 Contains the interface to the RatingHeat class.
file  RatingHeatShellAndTubeFallingFilmReboiler.h
 Contains the interface to the RatingHeatShellAndTubeFallingFilmReboiler class.
file  RatingHeatShellAndTubeHeater.h
 Contains the interface to the RatingHeatShellAndTubeHeater class.
file  RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery.h
 Contains the interface to the RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery class.
file  RatingHeatShellAndTubeThermosiphon.h
 Contains the interface to the RatingHeatShellAndTubeThermosiphon class.
file  Reaction.h
 Contains the interface to the Reaction class.
file  ReactionEquilibrium.h
 Contains the interface to the ReactionEquilibrium class.
file  ReactionOxidationHydrocarbon.h
 Contains the interface to the general-purpose hydrocarbon combustion reaction.
file  reactions.h
 Contains the interface to the user-defined reactions and registers all reaction types with the model factory.
file  ReactionYield.h
 Contains the interface to the ReactionYield class.
file  Selector.h
 Contains the interface to the Selector class.
file  Separator.h
 Contains the interface to the Separator class.
file  ShellAndTube.h
 Contains the interface to the ShellAndTube class.
file  ShellCondensing.h
 Contains the interface to the ShellCondensing class.
file  ShellSensible.h
 Contains the interface to the ShellSensible class.
file  Splitter.h
 Contains the interface to the Splitter class.
file  TubesBoiling.h
 Contains the interface to the TubesBoiling class.
file  TubesFallingFilmBoiling.h
 Contains the interface to the TubesFallingFilmBoiling class.
file  TubesSensible.h
 Contains the interface to the TubesSensible class.
file  units.h
 Registers all the unit operation types with the model factory.