RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery Member List
This is the complete list of members for RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery, including all inherited members.
addChild(std::string type, uint32_t id, Persistency *persistency) | Node | |
addChild(std::string type, Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults) | Node | |
addChild(const Node &child) | Node | |
addChild(std::unique_ptr< Node > child) | Node | |
addComponentVectorVariable(std::vector< Quantity > &variable, const std::string &tag, const std::string &description, Quantity::ValueType value) | Model | protected |
addSubObjects(int verbosityFile, Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, Persistency *persistency, int count, const std::string &optionKey, const std::string &typeKey, const std::string &tagKey, const std::string &description, std::vector< T * > &vector) | Model | protected |
addVariable(T &variable) | Object | protected |
addVectorVariable(std::vector< T > &variable, const std::string &tag, const std::string &description, uint32_t size, typename T::ValueType value) | Object | protected |
at(const std::string &fullRelativeTag) | Object | |
at(const std::string &fullRelativeTag) const | Object | |
at(const std::string &fullRelativeTag, int index) | Object | |
calculate(int level=0) override | RatingHeat | virtual |
calculateGeometry(void) | ShellAndTube | |
category(void) const override | RatingHeat | virtual |
child(const std::string &tag) const | Node | |
children(void) | Node | |
children(void) const | Node | |
children_ | Node | protected |
clear(void) const | Object | |
clone(void) const | Node | inlinevirtual |
compareParameters(const Object &rhs) const | Object | |
created_at(void) const | Persistent | |
defaults(void) const | Object | |
descendants(void) const | Node | |
description() const | Item | |
Diagnostic(void) | Diagnostic | |
exists(uint32_t id) | Node | |
existsChild(std::string tag) const | Node | |
existsI(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
existsQ(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
existsS(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
fullTag() const | Item | |
getId(void) override | Node | virtual |
hasIcon(void) const | Node | |
I(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
I(const std::string &tag, int index) const | Object | |
I(const std::string &tag) | Object | |
I(const std::string &tag, int index) | Object | |
iconHeight(void) const | Node | |
iconName(bool raster) const | Node | |
iconWidth(void) const | Node | |
id(void) const | Persistent | |
in1(void) const | ShellAndTube | |
in2(void) const | ShellAndTube | |
initializeNonPersistents(void) override | RatingHeat | inlinevirtual |
insert(Persistency *persistency) const override | Node | virtual |
INTEGER(nCalculations, "Number of times the model has been calculated", 0) | Model | |
integers_ | Object | protected |
integerVectors_ | Object | protected |
isPristine(void) const | Model | |
isRestored(void) const | Node | |
Item(const Item &other) | Item | |
Item(const std::string &tag, const std::string &description, Persistent *parent) | Item | |
Item(Item &&other) | Item | |
maximumIterations(void) | Model | virtual |
Model(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id, Persistency *persistency, Persistent *parent, Persistent *root) | Model | |
Node(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | Node | |
Node(const Node &other) | Node | |
Node(Node &&other) | Node | |
Object(const Object &other) | Object | protected |
Object(Object &&other) | Object | protected |
Object(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | Object | |
objectiveFunction(void) override | RatingHeat | inlinevirtual |
offset(void) const | Node | inlineprotected |
operator!=(const Object &rhs) const | Object | |
Node::operator!=(const Node &rhs) const | Node | |
Persistent::operator!=(const Item &rhs) const | Item | |
operator=(const Object &) | Object | protected |
operator=(Object &&other) | Object | protected |
operator=(const Node &) override | Object | virtual |
operator=(Node &&other) override | Object | virtual |
Persistent::operator=(const Persistent &) | Persistent | |
Persistent::operator=(Persistent &&other) | Persistent | |
Item::operator=(const Item &other) | Item | |
Item::operator=(Item &&other) | Item | |
operator==(const Object &rhs) const | Object | |
Node::operator==(const Node &rhs) const | Node | |
Persistent::operator==(const Item &rhs) const | Item | |
out1(void) const | ShellAndTube | |
out2(void) const | ShellAndTube | |
parent() const | Item | inline |
parent_ | Item | protected |
parentId(void) const | Persistent | |
Persistent(const std::string &tag, const std::string &description, Persistent *parent, uint32_t id) | Persistent | |
Persistent(const Persistent &) | Persistent | |
Persistent(Persistent &&other) | Persistent | |
pop(void) | Object | |
preCalculate(void) override | RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | virtual |
print(std::ostream &os, bool strings, bool quantities, bool integers, bool recursive) const | Model | |
printFull(std::ostream &) const | Model | |
printHtml(const char *dir) const | Model | |
printJson(std::ostream &os, int level=0) const override | Object | virtual |
printOds(std::ofstream &ods) const | Model | |
printSvg(const char *fileName, bool tiny, bool raster, int offset) | Model | virtual |
printSvgAll(const char *dir, bool tiny, bool raster, int offset, std::vector< std::string > &list) | Model | |
printSvgXlink(std::ostream &svg, const std::string &link, double width, double height) | Model | protected |
printXml(const char *dir, Model *precedingSibling, Model *followingSibling) const | Model | virtual |
printXmlToc(std::ofstream &toc, int indent) const | Model | |
prune(const std::string &tag) | Node | |
push(void) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int index) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int row, int column) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag) | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int index) | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int row, int column) | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, std::string componentName) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, std::string componentName) | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int index, std::string componentName) const | Object | |
Q(const std::string &tag, int index, std::string componentName) | Object | |
quantities(void) | Object | |
quantities(void) const | Object | |
quantities_ | Object | protected |
ShellSensible::QUANTITY(Re_2, "Reynolds number at the shell side", 1.0, "") | ShellSensible | |
ShellSensible::QUANTITY(Pr_2, "Prandtl number at the shell side", 1.0, "") | ShellSensible | |
ShellSensible::QUANTITY(Pr_w2, "Prandtl number at the shell side wall conditions", 1.0, "") | ShellSensible | |
ShellSensible::QUANTITY(Nu_2, "Nusselt number at the shell side", 1.0, "") | ShellSensible | |
ShellSensible::QUANTITY(deltaP_2, "Shell-side pressure drop", 0.0, "Pa") | ShellSensible | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(N, "Number of tubes", 1.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(m, "Number of passes", 1.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(L, "Length of tubes", 1.0, "m") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(de, "Tube external diameter", 25.0, "mm") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(s, "Tube thickness", 2.0, "mm") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(R1f, "Process side fouling thermal resistance", 0.0, "m2*K/W") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(R2f, "Utility side fouling thermal resistance", 0.0, "m2*K/W") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(U1, "Process side heat transfer coefficient", 300.0, "W/(m2*K)") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(U2, "Utility side heat transfer coefficient", 1000.0, "W/(m2*K)") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(h, "Elevation positive for ascending", 0.0, "m") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(eps, "Rugosity", 0.0457, "mm") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(D, "Shell inner diameter", 1.0, "m") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(b, "Number of segmental baffles", 0.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(c, "Fractional baffle cut", 0.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(ns, "Number of sealing strips pairs", 0.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(d1, "Inner diameter of inlet nozzle", 0.1, "m") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(d2, "Inner diameter of outlet nozzle", 0.1, "m") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(di, "Tube internal diameter", 21.0, "mm") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(At, "Tubes total cross-section available for fluid flow", 1.0, "m2") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(km, "Thermal conductivity of the exchanger material", 1.0, "W/(m*K)") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(Rm, "Heat transfer resistance of the exchanger material", 1.0, "m2*K/W") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(theta, "Angle positive for ascending", 0.0, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::ShellAndTube::QUANTITY(ed, "Adimensional rugosity", 1E-6, "") | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible::RatingHeat::QUANTITY(U, "Overall heat transfer coefficient", 100.0, "W/(m2*K)") | RatingHeat | |
ShellSensible::RatingHeat::QUANTITY(Ft, "MTD correction factor", 1.0, "") | RatingHeat | |
ShellSensible::RatingHeat::QUANTITY(A, "Available heat transfer area", 10.0, "m2") | RatingHeat | |
ShellSensible::RatingHeat::QUANTITY(Areq, "Required heat transfer area", 10.0, "m2") | RatingHeat | |
ShellSensible::RatingHeat::QUANTITY(excessArea, "Ratio between available and required heat transfer area", 1.0, "") | RatingHeat | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(Re_1, "Reynolds number", 1.0, "") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(Pr_1, "Prandlt number", 1.0, "") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(f, "friction factor", 1.0, "") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(Nu_1, "Nusselt number", 1.0, "") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(v_1, "Superficial velocity", 1.0, "m/s") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(deltaP_A1, "Acceleration pressure drop", 1.0, "Pa") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(deltaP_G1, "Gravitational pressure drop", 1.0, "Pa") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(deltaP_F1, "Frictional pressure drop", 1.0, "Pa") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(deltaP_1, "Total pressure drop", 1.0, "Pa") | TubesSensible | |
TubesSensible::QUANTITY(rho1, "Density", 1.0, "kg/m3") | TubesSensible | |
quantityMatrices_ | Object | protected |
quantityVectors_ | Object | protected |
range(void) const override | Node | virtual |
rate(const Quantity &duty, const Quantity &MTD) | RatingHeat | |
RatingHeat(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | RatingHeat | |
RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | |
readParameters(Persistency *persistency) override | Object | virtual |
readVariables(Persistency *persistency) override | Object | virtual |
remove(Persistency *persistency) const override | Node | virtual |
renameChild(const std::string &oldName, const std::string &newName) | Node | |
reportError(std::string s) | Model | |
reportMessages(void) | Model | |
reportWarning(std::string s) | Model | |
resetErrors(void) | Model | |
restore(Persistency *persistency) override | Node | virtual |
retrieveInteger(const Libpf::Persistency::Defaults &defaults, uint32_t id, Persistency *persistency, std::string tag, int min, int max, int def=-1) | Object | protected |
retrieveString(const Libpf::Persistency::Defaults &defaults, uint32_t id, Persistency *persistency, std::string tag, const std::string def) | Object | protected |
root(void) const | Node | inline |
rootId(void) const override | Node | virtual |
S(const std::string &tag) const | Object | |
S(const std::string &tag, int index) const | Object | |
S(const std::string &tag) | Object | |
S(const std::string &tag, int index) | Object | |
search(uint32_t id) | Node | |
setCalculated(void) | Model | |
setDescription(const std::string &description) | Item | |
setError(std::string s) | Model | |
setIcon(std::string icon, double width, double height) | Node | |
setPristine(void) | Model | |
setPristineRecursive(void) | Model | |
setRunTime(double t) | Model | |
setTag(const std::string &tag) | Item | |
setup(void) override | RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | virtual |
setVerbosity(int verbosity) | Diagnostic | |
setWarning(std::string s) | Model | |
setWideDescription(const std::wstring &description) | Item | |
setWideTag(const std::wstring &tag) | Item | |
ShellAndTube(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | ShellAndTube | |
ShellSensible(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | ShellSensible | |
STRING(correlation, "Heat transfer correlation", "PetukhovKirilov") | TubesSensible | |
strings_ | Object | protected |
STRINGVECTOR(errors, "Errors from the last computation", 0, "") | Model | |
STRINGVECTOR(warnings, "Warnings from the last computation", 0, "") | Model | |
stringVectors_ | Object | protected |
tag() const | Item | |
TubesSensible(Libpf::Persistency::Defaults defaults, uint32_t id=0, Persistency *persistency=nullptr, Persistent *parent=nullptr, Persistent *root=nullptr) | TubesSensible | |
type(void) const override | RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | inlinevirtual |
type_ | RatingHeatShellAndTubeRecovery | static |
unSetInput(void) | Model | |
update(Persistency *persistency) const override | Node | virtual |
updated_at(void) const | Persistent | |
updated_at(double u) const | Persistent | |
uuid(void) const | Persistent | |
verbosity(void) const | Diagnostic | |
verbosityInstance | Diagnostic | protected |
~Diagnostic()=default | Diagnostic | protectedvirtual |
~Item() | Item | inlinevirtual |
~Node() | Node | |
~Object(void) | Object | |
~Persistent(void) | Persistent | inline |
~RatingHeat(void) | RatingHeat |